Growing up, London was curious about everything. She was constantly asking questions. She was also incredibly social. Both of which would translate throughout her adult life. In high school, she joined the cheerleading squad to be like her sister Alexandra. But she never let it take away from her studies, which were undoubtedly her favorite part of school. In fact, she was a straight A student and valedictorian of her senior class (Sleepy Hollow High School '09).
After high school, London left home to attend UCLA on an academic scholarship earning her a BA in Psychology. Upon graduating, London decided that Los Angeles just wasn't for her and she would take her next steps back home in New York. Plus, as crazy as the Hoffman clan was being so far from them was a lot harder than London had imagined it to be. So she went home, spent a year living at her parents, and eventually got her own apartment nearby Sleepy Hollow. That wasn't before taking a year off, not only to apply for the program, but to backpack through Europe for six months.
London is currently attending NYU to attend the Social Psychology program at New York University graduate Ph.D. program. She is in the final stages of the program and will hopefully start her two years of full-time supervised experience next year in order to obtain her New York State psychology license. She hopes to eventually open up her own practice at home in Sleepy Hollow specializing in mental health.
Personality: outgoing, loud, loves to talk, loves to meet new people, very loyal to her friends, overachiever, ocd, gigglebox, planner, ...
Likes: learning, music, cooking, fashion, rain, dogs, reading, going to concerts, picnics, roadtrips, running, jogging, hiking, camping, ...
Dislikes: liars, greeting cards, cats, waiting in line, being on speakerphone, ...